Guido Zotti Uncategorized Vet Advice About Keeping Your Dogs Joints Healthy

Vet Advice About Keeping Your Dogs Joints Healthy


Whether you like it or not, but we all, including your pups, will age with time. and as we all know; aging brings a lot of health complications with it too. So as your dog starts aging, it starts developing a lot of health issues, of which joint-related issues are the most common. The problem can be worse in certain breeds that are trained for specific traits. Sometimes overstraining also causes joint pain in dogs. 

Although joint pain in your dog may not be visible at an early stage, a few symptoms can help you detect the condition. The common signs of joint pain are trouble in standing after playing or waking up; unwillingness to walk or climb the stairs, etc. while any dog can develop joint pain with aging, but a few are more prone to the condition. For example, obese dogs, athletic dogs, or those who have suffered an injury are more prone to develop joint health issues than others. Here we will discuss a few vets’ advised ways to keep your dog’s joints healthy.

Maintain an ideal weight

Obese dogs as we have already discussed, are more prone to develop joint health issues. When your dog is overweight, the extra pounds put more strain on the joints and bones of your dog. Hence, making them more prone to damage. Thus, maintaining an ideal weight is very necessary to promote joint health and mobility in your dog. You can do this by giving your pup the right balanced diet.

Exercise your dog

Exercising is one of the best ways most vets advise to improve joint health in dogs. Taking your dog for a mild walk daily can keep his joints active. But at the same time remember that you do not overdo it. because overexercise can cause wear and tear of the joints leading to increased pain in your pet. A few mild exercises like swimming and walking can be helpful for your pup’s joints as they won’t put any extra pressure on them.

Massage your dog

Vets often advise pet owners to offer joint massages to their pets to relieve joint pain. You may try various massaging techniques on your dog and stick with the one that your dog finds relaxing. Before starting with the joint massage, be sure to warm up his body with long strokes. Massage your pup gently and avoid putting pressure in an area that your pup finds painful. Also, try to keep an eye if he has any inflammation in his body. If you find inflammation in the joints, wrap the part with a cold towel. Even after that the swelling doesn’t go, consult your vet.

Give your dog the right diet

Adding the necessary Compounds like glucosamine and chondroitin to your dog’s diet can be beneficial for your dog’s joint health and also helps prevent arthritis. The compound glucosamine is made of glucose and glutamine can help create molecules that help form joint cartilages. Thus, helping reduce stiffness and inflammation of the joints. Chondroitin, on the other hand, helps keep the joints of your dog cushioned and thus prevents deterioration. 

Besides giving your pup the synthetic supplements as advised by your vet, you can also consider using a more natural way like CBD to promote joint health in your pet. CBD when given in the suggested amount to your pet, can help ease chronic pain, arthritis, joint inflammation, etc. 

The bottom line

The above-discussed tips and tricks can help you keep your dog’s joints healthy and prevent further damage to the joints. Taking preventive measures and consulting your vet at an early stage can always help prevent severe complications leading to surgery as the only solution.
